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Action Time Vision: A Story of Independent UK Punk 1976-1979 (Cherry Red)

February 27, 2017

Everett True has some thoughts on the realities about the first wave of British punk, courtesy of the latest Cherry Red box set, Action Time Vision.

Action Time Vision: A Story of Independent UK Punk 1976-1979 (Cherry Red)

Everett True has some thoughts on the realities about the first wave of British punk, courtesy of the latest Cherry Red box set, Action Time Vision.

BOOK EXCERPT: Never Critique Your Friends, by Everett True

We are pleased to present an exclusive excerpt from Everett True’s forthcoming book, Electrical Storm. In this powerful excerpt, we learn what happened when True critiqued his friends in the band Lush.

EDITORIAL: Everett True, funny how it seems….

Just have a few thoughts about Everett True’s book excerpt, and an appeal for you to donate to what is surely going to be a delightful, thought-provoking, honest book.

R.I.P. Lemmy. It feels like most everything that rocked about rock music departed the world when you did.

Everett True waxes philosophical on the late, great Lemmy.