Song Of The Day: Deerhunter, “Death In Midsummer”

After a bit of a hiatus, Georgia art rock masters Deerhunter are readying a new album for 2019 entitled Why Hasn’t Everything Already Disappeared?. Their label’s press release describes it as “thrilling, haunting, and unpredictable as anything in their roughly 15-year career,” and while we don’t always take purple prose from a record label at face value, lead single “Death in Midsummer” definitely fits that description. Starting off with a simple harpsichord melody, a gentle beat and a relaxed sounding vocal coming from visionary Bradford Cox, the song is a peculiar mixture of 18th century melody and 1970s era LA Rock…until it goes absolutely insane in an amazing explosion of psychedelic rock color. In other words, it’s exactly like/nothing like you would expect from Deerhunter.

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